Are stops really a good idea?

Haha Barry, you still don't get my initial point, which is almost as tragic as the above photo. Have a read, have a think, and then get back to me. Or don't, I really won't lose much sleep over it. For pity's sake stop trying to score points off me, it's getting tiresome and a little desperate.

Oh dear, you really are thick aren't you. TD said he's averaging down but he has a lot of reputation points, and i'm saying the market doesn't care who you are, look at my first post. Do you understand that, i really can't put it any simpler. Foredog and i then shared a joke, you've missed it by a long shot.
Oh dear, you really are thick aren't you. TD said he's averaging down but he has a lot of reputation points, and i'm saying the market doesn't care who you are, look at my first post. Do you understand that, i really can't put it any simpler. Foredog and i then shared a joke, you've missed it by a long shot.

you stupid *******. :cheesy:
I suggest you all get back to what the thread is about, stops and how to use them.

So less insults and more contructive debating 👍

Stops dont need to be wide if the entry is correct, if you need wide stops you either are entering at a wrong place to begin with or the marked is verys piky and errratic that day.

Just my take on it 😉

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
barryb, you have really embarrassed yourself.
TD's reference to Points had nothing to do with trading, and the ability to off-set Points against losses.
The only things that T2W points can be redeemed for are discounts off bar-fines in Bangkok go-go bars.
For some reason, the points fetch double discount in ladyboy bars, i don't know why, and BSD hasn't appeared on this thread so we can't ask him.

But just to summarise, you're a complete laughing stock !
barryb, you have really embarrassed yourself.
TD's reference to Points had nothing to do with trading, and the ability to off-set Points against losses.
The only things that T2W points can be redeemed for are discounts off bar-fines in Bangkok go-go bars.
For some reason, the points fetch double discount in ladyboy bars, i don't know why, and BSD hasn't appeared on this thread so we can't ask him.

But just to summarise, you're a complete laughing stock !

Why does no-one understand this, surely there must be someone who got my original post?? "Why does the oil market care about your reputation points", what i am saying is that having reputation points on here doesn't make a shred of difference or make you exempt from losses through averaging down in the oil market. Now if you don't get that i might as well give up.
take a deep breath. i shall reveal a deep "Holy Grail" mystery to you that 99.9% of the population could see instantly, but to which you seem permanently blind. (which is ironic given your later use of irony):
TD was being ironic in his post !!

do i have to spell it out ? yes of course the market has no relationship to/with TD'd rep points. He was being, oh, what's the word ??? .......... ironic
take a deep breath. i shall reveal a deep "Holy Grail" mystery to you that 99.9% of the population could see instantly, but to which you seem permanently blind. (which is ironic given your later use of irony):
TD was being ironic in his post !!

do i have to spell it out ? yes of course the market has no relationship to/with TD'd rep points. He was being, oh, what's the word ??? .......... ironic

BArry b LOL
take a deep breath. i shall reveal a deep "Holy Grail" mystery to you that 99.9% of the population could see instantly, but to which you seem permanently blind. (which is ironic given your later use of irony):
TD was being ironic in his post !!

do i have to spell it out ? yes of course the market has no relationship to/with TD'd rep points. He was being, oh, what's the word ??? .......... ironic

In my opinion he wasn't as he said the same in another post. And of course i know there's no relationship with his points to the market, that was why i said it! But if TD says he was being ironic then i'll admit i'm wrong and apologise for derailing this.
i'll admit i'm wrong and apologise for derailing this.

nae bather, and you've taken a bit of leg-pulling well 👍

but in case you're not aware TD is one of our most respected professional traders, having fought his way up the ranks with his own money :smart:
nae bather, and you've taken a bit of leg-pulling well 👍

but in case you're not aware TD is one of our most respected professional traders, having fought his way up the ranks with his own money :smart:

Haha ok then, but until he does say it my original post stands 😉

I'm fully aware of who he is yeah, something of a demigod around these parts. Anyway, i almost missed another set-up because of this pointless rant lol, got to do some trading now and make my crust, bye for now.
Haha ok then, but until he does say it my original post stands 😉

I'm fully aware of who he is yeah, something of a demigod around these parts. Anyway, i almost missed another set-up because of this pointless rant lol, got to do some trading now and make my crust, bye for now.


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Why does no-one understand this, surely there must be someone who got my original post?? "Why does the oil market care about your reputation points", what i am saying is that having reputation points on here doesn't make a shred of difference or make you exempt from losses through averaging down in the oil market. Now if you don't get that i might as well give up.
