Are Paid (or Free) Alert Services / Newsletters Worth It?



I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with any paid or free Alert Services / Newsletters, both positive and negative experience? I am trying to figure out if one or more of them are worth subscribing to in order to assist in my trading endeavors.

I know no newsletter/alert service is a panacea, but anything that can be very educational and help make money would be worth it to me to plop a little money down for it.

Here are some examples of the types of things I am referring to, in case this question is confusing:
Jim Cramer's Action Alerts Plus (
Motley Fool Stock Advisor (

Thanks a lot.
The only thing you'll learn is not to take tips. It will be a very expensive lesson. IMO, of course.
Are you looking for specific recommendations, or general thoughts on the subject?

I suppose I am looking for both. You can give your general thoughts and if you have any specific recommendations (good or bad), that would be very helpful too.
Well, my general advice is that newsletters and such can be of value, but only if you choose them carefully. You need to know your specific needs and what a particular newsletter/service provides. They have to match, otherwise you're wasting money. For example, there's no sense subscribing to a day trading service if you're a swing or position trader. There's no sense paying for someone's fundamental analysis of stocks if you're a technical trader. There's no sense being a reader of some newsletter who's trading focus is on trading in a counter-trend or range fashion if you are a trend trader.

If, however, you are that trend trader and you can subscribe to a service which helps you identify stocks starting new trends (for example) more effectively or efficiently than you could on your own, then that could be worth the expense.
mmm yes they are worth it thinking about it.

A. it helps the industry generate trade. needs that.
B. good ones could be of use in advisory role.
C. Best of the bad ,one could fade too 🙂