approve/moderate first few posts by new users?

  • Thread starter Thread starter f2calv
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Trader333 might or might not know this. It has been brought to his attention but never having been in Purgatory he is probably clueless about this or perhaps does not give a rat's ass ............

The instant one tries to log on after being banned, one is hit with the cream banner that states for example, "you have been banned for 21 days for touching counter-violent inappropriately after repeated several warnings. Any further occurrences will result in a permanent ban with all posts deleted"

The 21 days come and go but cannot log in. Cannot cannot cannot ............. no way to get in touch, notway to gt in touch even during the ban to try to negotiate or ask pardon - Zippo!

Can't send Pm becasue to do that you have to be logged on.

Digging up an email address for T2W produces no joy either. NOBODY replies. One never knows whether anyone got the email or not. NO reply.

So, the only alternative remaining is to go back to the Log in page after a thorough cleaning of all cookies and whatnot in Internet Options and then trying again. Booom! Fails again!

Only remaining option to get back in is Sodomy = back door entry.

Only a partial of the log in will appear when Shift+ALT+618 is pressed. Instantly tapping "261" brings the entire log in box. So plug it in and give it a shot. Smoke shoots out the ass of the log in machine and it stutters and bumps and grinds. In exasperation I hit F5 to try it all over again. But all of a sudden its on. I'm on line without Trader333's permission.

Some f**** useless vacations T333 is sending me on 🙂
Thanks, i'll get Sharky to get his dev army on to this backdoor straight away.

Saved for posterior posterity

Trader333 might or might not know this. It has been brought to his attention but never having been in Purgatory he is probably clueless about this or perhaps does not give a rat's ass ............

The instant one tries to log on after being banned, one is hit with the cream banner that states for example, "you have been banned for 21 days for touching counter-violent inappropriately after repeated several warnings. Any further occurrences will result in a permanent ban with all posts deleted"

The 21 days come and go but cannot log in. Cannot cannot cannot ............. no way to get in touch, notway to gt in touch even during the ban to try to negotiate or ask pardon - Zippo!

Can't send Pm becasue to do that you have to be logged on.

Digging up an email address for T2W produces no joy either. NOBODY replies. One never knows whether anyone got the email or not. NO reply.

So, the only alternative remaining is to go back to the Log in page after a thorough cleaning of all cookies and whatnot in Internet Options and then trying again. Booom! Fails again!

Only remaining option to get back in is Sodomy = back door entry.

Only a partial of the log in will appear when Shift+ALT+618 is pressed. Instantly tapping "261" brings the entire log in box. So plug it in and give it a shot. Smoke shoots out the ass of the log in machine and it stutters and bumps and grinds. In exasperation I hit F5 to try it all over again. But all of a sudden its on. I'm on line without Trader333's permission.

Some f**** useless vacations T333 is sending me on 🙂

But wait, there's more!

Drop down into DOS or use a Windows NT4 machine and its even easier.

I've also noticed that if one just simply does not log off, the ban will not work 🤣
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But here's the thing about T333. This one thing erases any negatives with ease and aplomb

Tens or maybe hundreds or maybe thousands of thousands (they call 'em millions) bushwhacked T333 demanding a permanent ban, not a temp. ban and insisting on their wrath if he did not comply.

T333 held his position and gave me a temp. ban Pissed 'em all off to no end no doubt

Then on one of the bans he reduced the 21 days ban to 3 days and shocked the sh*t out of me

that be T333.

Gotta love this guy. what can I say?

Do the rules apply to you or only to me?

You have now surpassed the 12 times I posted a video/picture.

I dunno.
I don't make the rules.
Thanks, i'll get Sharky to get his dev army on to this backdoor straight away.

Saved for posterior posterity

Trader333 might or might not know this. It has been brought to his attention but never having been in Purgatory he is probably clueless about this or perhaps does not give a rat's ass ............

The instant one tries to log on after being banned, one is hit with the cream banner that states for example, "you have been banned for 21 days for touching counter-violent inappropriately after repeated several warnings. Any further occurrences will result in a permanent ban with all posts deleted"

The 21 days come and go but cannot log in. Cannot cannot cannot ............. no way to get in touch, notway to gt in touch even during the ban to try to negotiate or ask pardon - Zippo!

Can't send Pm becasue to do that you have to be logged on.

Digging up an email address for T2W produces no joy either. NOBODY replies. One never knows whether anyone got the email or not. NO reply.

So, the only alternative remaining is to go back to the Log in page after a thorough cleaning of all cookies and whatnot in Internet Options and then trying again. Booom! Fails again!

Only remaining option to get back in is Sodomy = back door entry.

Only a partial of the log in will appear when Shift+ALT+618 is pressed. Instantly tapping "261" brings the entire log in box. So plug it in and give it a shot. Smoke shoots out the ass of the log in machine and it stutters and bumps and grinds. In exasperation I hit F5 to try it all over again. But all of a sudden its on. I'm on line without Trader333's permission.

Some f**** useless vacations T333 is sending me on 🙂

But wait, there's more!

Drop down into DOS or use a Windows NT4 machine and its even easier.

I've also noticed that if one just simply does not log off, the ban will not work 🤣
I dunno.
I don't make the rules.
View attachment 273508

I know. Rambo McQueen and Trader333 make the Rules, modify them, fry 'em and whatnot all to contain Big Joe. Its an occupational hazard.

Love the way T333 offered to counsel me for only telling jokes of a sexual nature and not regular decent jokes. I reminded him about this offer but he is not forthcoming no more.

Now all he does is fire off holiday brochures to me that greet me first thing in the morning when I have my coffee. Good thing I dig Espresso.
Here are some suggestions for your school song:

Already told you I cannot accept anything from a fella with zero trades for the upcoming University that deals with excellent trading. It just wouldn't be right.

Here are some suggestions for your school song:

Rufey baby, you called me BAD, LIAR-LIAR (twice), LONELY, LOSER.

You call that an attack? Its more like a hickey for me.

How weak is it? Jesus H Christ, I can slap myself harder

R E P R O B A T E .................. is a way more accurate way to describe me - all in one word.

Trader333 and Rambo McQueen ETA 1 minute
🙂 Nobody knows that Trader333 gave me a LIKE when I first came to T2W. He has not yet withdrawn it!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why I've requested a DISLIKE button. The LIKE button has gone dead. 😗
Rufus_Leakey ETA ................... some time today .....................

advice: until you have a live trade under your belt you will remain a midget in a crowded elevator of tall traders

A midget in a crowded elevator smells things differently
Get a load of Trader333. My 2nd day at T2W while I was taking sh*t from everyone else, T333 gave me a Like. What are the odds I will never ever receive another Like? 110% redlined 🙂 🙂 😗

Ntwadumela is Fibo at ET. Some background: this indian trader is the funniest guy I have ever come across at any forum anywhere, any nationality. Man, I miss this guy. I was laffing everytime I read his posts. He would say the damnedest things. 🤣 And I'm not the only one who thought so. Almost everyone else loved this guy, very refreshing humor

At one time he was gone from ET for 3 days, no posts and then when he returned I asked him why he was gone so long and he said he read my story about the Thai girls and just had to take a break, it was too much for him to handle, he being Hindu and all that 🤣🤣🤣

What I had said was, "Thai girls' English is so weird and bizarre, they say the damnedest things" This one particular chick, a straight 10 knockout whispered in my ear the following morning in bed, "I love your clock"

For entertainment only ...... 😎

Who is Ntwadumela? 🙂

He be me, fibo_trader, a native Vix lover who got past ET cop, Magnum for the 6th time with this new nick of course. The nick is ntwadumela (lion who breathes with fire)

I ran into this Indian trader at ET from Hyderabad, India - named Padutrader, an amiable fellow indeed. I read his posts, such a terrific fellow, such humor, such forthrightness, but he was having limited success with his trading, dealing only in nickels and dimes. I was compelled like never before to help him

But ET cop Magnum and poster side-kick cop "destriero" could not tolerate anybody liking me, especially telling me they love me like padutrader did. I know-ed they cott on it was fibo_trader so I was prepared for yet another ban.

But something good came-d out of it. I will help this Indian trader, padutrader. I will earn big points in Heaven for this. Money be damned.

See the interchange ..... India, what a country! Such magnificence! Goa, India? Anjuna beach? God's home.

Rufey baby, you called me BAD, LIAR-LIAR (twice), LONELY, LOSER.

You call that an attack?

I was just trying to help you with your future endeavors 🙂. And it wasn't an attack on you since I hadn't mentioned you.

But I apologize for any little hurt feelings. To make up for my behavior and since you promote wave theory, here is another school song suggestion:
I was just trying to help you with your future endeavors 🙂. And it wasn't an attack on you since I hadn't mentioned you.

But I apologize for any little hurt feelings. To make up for my behavior and since you promote wave theory, here is another school song suggestion:

Thanks! But video will not cut the mustard. Raise your game to the level of this video below, if you can go higher, then even better. Think Philosophy ....................... poetry ----------- Galactic Confederation ............. moving objects without mechanical means .......... delivering the horsepower the whole track ......

good but no good enough for Big Joe is this one .........


Like so .............

How does it feel to be on your own with no direction Home
A complete unknown, nobody ever taught you how to live in the street
Now you're going to have to get used to it
You said you'd never compromise with the mystery tramp but now you don't speak so loud
After having to be scrounging your next meal - after TRADING took from you everything HE could steal

along similar lines .......... its about TRADING ............. and as you already know, Trading goes hand in hand with Psychology ........ and Psychology is only a stone's throw from the next REALITY level up on the higher plane ............... that transition is what I am looking for .............. for the poetry and song

I'm working on it and its the most fun EVER
The reason Rambo McQueen has not arrived yet is because he is digesting my distraction I throw-ed him to delay his arrival here

#2 is not a good question simply because the dates could low or no consummation

Replace #2 with:

how much p***y did you lick last month?

Then watch the result. Nothing subtle about it