Yes you are right that there may be people who are 'more suitably employable' out there, with experience thats categorically suited to the role he's looking to fill, but that doesn't mean that the OP should simply give up and continue to work in construction, giving up is what losers do and thats why the majority of people get no where in life. Here's a little story for you.
Years ago there was a man called Edwin C Barnes, he lived in a town called Wisconsin not far from Chicago, he was in his mid 20's and he decided that he was going to be a business associate with one of the greatest inventors even to live, Thomas A Edison. Barnes had never met Edison, he had only read about him in the papers, he had no money, no background in any relevant industry and he was over 1000 miles away, regardless of all this he had a burning desire to achieve his goals, he didn't want to work for Edison, he wanted a partnership and he was 100% certain that he would get it.
Barnes saved up for train tickets to go and see Edison at his laboratory in a town called Orange, in New Jersey... he turned up before Edison pretty much dressed in rags, he explained that he will be the most valuable man he will meet and is here to tell him that he would love to go in to partnership with him but understands he has to prove himself, Barnes went on to say he will make Edison obscene amounts of money, Edison laughed because Barnes had no experience what so ever in any relevant field, all he had was the idea of what he wanted. Barnes explained that if he was given the chance then he would prove that everything he said would be followed up and within a few years he will be given the partnership that he speaks of.
Edison was impressed that Barnes was prepared to give his entire life to achieving his goals of getting that partnership, he told Barnes he will be given a chance and gave him an entry job working in the office, there was no promise of any partnership, Edison simply said "ok lets see what you can do!" Time went by and Barnes was proving himself to be an extremely valuable part of Edisons company, Edison was that impressed that he eventually gave Barnes the partnership, and Barnes became very wealthy... they remained close business associates until Edisons death. So there we have it, a pauper in rags from a poor family who decided he was going in to business with the great Thomas Edison, he had no other qualities on paper other than positivity and will power. Im a firm believer that anyone can achieve anything if they have a burning desire and put their mind to it, and if the OP is prepared to do anything in his power to get that FO job, then rather than tell him 'no don't bother you are wasting your time' you should pat him on the back and tell him to.. 'go get it' 👍