Anyone working/worked as a Trader for an Investment Bank ??


Junior member
hi guys. Im interested in the experiences of anyone thats working for or whose worked for one of these big IB banks( Goldman Sachs etc the lot).

i am interested in the route taken from undergrad dgree(which major) to job offer and im particularly interested in the structure of the graduate training program for trainee traders, what exactly it entails, what is taught to the trainee traders depending on the departments.

And im keen on the day to day working experiences, what the typical day comes up with, and the working practices are like.

Il very much aprreciate anyone with info to share
can't help you on the ins and outs of the grad schemes as I basically lucked my way into my first job in the 90s due to contacts.

Day to day work varies hugely based on who you are, where you're working etc, but as a grad expect a balance between doing menial jobs just because someone has to do them (this can be anything, right down to fetching coffee / doughnuts etc) up to assisting the senior members of your team with whatever it is they do. That part really depends on what job you're doing.

Typically, grad schemes at larger shops send the kids on rotation so they get a good feel for the workings of the place, and also to maximise the chances of finding a good fit on a more permanent basis as possible for the various grads (based both on personal factors and what work they're suited to).

Hours will be long, and the main thing that is being scrutinised ALL the time imho is your attitude. Show the right attitude and most of the rest can, to a greater or lesser extent, be taught. Show too much arrogance and the risk is that when the going gets tough people won't trust you to listen to instructions and act on them.

In that respect think of it like military boot camp - the main thing they're trying to do is knock the student out of you and turn you into a machine who will respond in a consistent manner under pressure. Not so say there's no place for entrepreneurial thought, just that you gotta learn what the hell you're doing first.
