Anyone who has experience of Fatprophets?


Junior member

I have been trading around two years now with a steadily improving spreadbetting account. The first nine months I went down around 15% on my capital but have now passed equity and am making around the 6% per month compound (I re-invest all of my profit). I also spend too much time peering at my computer screen and would like to relieve the strain a bit.

I want to increase my hit rate and have looked at a company called Fatprophets, does anyone have any direct experience of this company. I just received a fairly hard sell phone call and as my policy is always to think and do the usual due diligence bit I need some solid information on this company.

Does anyone have actual trading experience derived from Fatprophet reports?

Kind regards


I have been trading around two years now with a steadily improving spreadbetting account. The first nine months I went down around 15% on my capital but have now passed equity and am making around the 6% per month compound (I re-invest all of my profit). I also spend too much time peering at my computer screen and would like to relieve the strain a bit.

I want to increase my hit rate and have looked at a company called Fatprophets, does anyone have any direct experience of this company. I just received a fairly hard sell phone call and as my policy is always to think and do the usual due diligence bit I need some solid information on this company.

Does anyone have actual trading experience derived from Fatprophet reports?

Kind regards


o.k, ask one of the hard sellers why they dont trade the system themselves. They will probably try the old crap of 'I'm not allowed as I work for them', BS. If thats the case and its really that great, resign then you too can trade the system. Sell it to them and see what they say, in fact, sell it to all their friends and family, if its that great then why have you not got a family and friends full of trading this simple to use 15 minutes a day (or whatever) crap.
Many thanks Lee,

I appreciate the advice and the sentiment, however I would like to know some specifics about these people.

They publish their past record and it appears very good, I did ask if it was a complete list and was told is is. I could easily demonstrate a 100% win by betting opposite directions with two accounts and only publishing the winner - monkeys and typwriters etc:.

I will try selling it back to them and see what they say.

Many thanks again

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