anyone use E trade SB?


Veteren member
im going back to Sbetting .. ok ok quiet at the back 😆 .. swing style using a daily TF..

i have a cmc acc already but they dont offer contingent orders, after a quick i found that E trade do,, anyone had any experience/probs with them? stop execution/cus service etc.

Any others out there offering contingent orders?

Not to bothered about 'at market' performance as all positions will be taken on a stop.

cheers all
Etrade SB is run by capital spreads. If you ring them its the same people that answer the phone. I closed my account Capital Spreads and thought i'll go with Etrade, but it turns out its the same but with different colours. Even their email annoucements come from the same server.

Capitalspreads have a problem with delayed execution, so Etrade will be the same same too.