I don't trade Forex, but I do trade stocks. And...........I do some things manually., and I'm always looking for an edge(s).
The Point & Figure Method (and the somewhat related Japanese 3 line break) have their place in trade selectiion and timing. Of course they're not preicse. They weren't designed to me. They eliminate irrelevant nosie and allow you to see the primary "trend" through the head fakes. In my humble opinion, they clearly identify the present support and reistance levels.. Since the P& F method has weathered nearly a century, there must be some merit to it. Ditto for the 3 Line break which dates to the 1600's. Floor traders seem to use it. Perhaps this is by default since they don't have ready access to computers.
In 1997 Futures magazine ran a series of interviews by a purported successful furtures trader only identtified as "Phantom". I found a great deal of guidance on several aspects of trading and HE was an advocate of point & figure.
Lastly, I don't kniow how software plaforms such as E-signal, Tradestation, MetaStock deal with P& F, but perhpas doing some things by hand at times may offer a better feel for the numbers.