Anyone Traveling while Trading remotely?

Fast Eddy

Junior member
I'm curious if anyone has any tips on trading remotely while globetrotting?

I've begun to be consistently profitable and I want to take the show on the road and wondered if anyone has suggestions on places to go or places to avoid other than warzones...

Some books talk about working remotely like 4 Hour Work Week, but as a trader I'm spending, by my own choice, much longer and would really like a change of scenery..can anyone relate???

Eduardo rapido
In the USA..for now
no1 is interested in "I've begun to be consistently profitable "

poste your entries, pleazzzeeee
I used to travel to Switzerland from NY at least once a month just to enjoy while trading. Skiing in the alps while waiting on your returns was pretty fun 😀

definitely doable, go for it, and send us some pictures!
All you need is a laptop and an internet connection? Time spent trading depends how you trade? I know Wayne Jackson travels and trades (trend trader of EUR/USD)