Remote Futures Trading - Patsystems, Saxo, IB?

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Active member
Afternoon, further to another thread I'm thinking of trading remotely. For me, this means outside of an established Arcade.

I've used TT up until now which is great.... but would be interested to know if anyone has any experience trading with Pats J-Trader (Man, Marex, Kyte etc) or with either Saxo Bank or IB. I'm specifically interested in feedback on reliability, speed and system 'uptime'. Any feedback would be appreciated... if it's any help I trade Eurostoxx, Bunds and FTSE and am a short term position trader doing a couple of hundred roundies per day.

Ta in advance - as always!
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Heard very good things about Marex's remote system, they use a dedicated 'black box' to connect. Its as stable as your broadband/leased line connection is.
I use Pats promark via Marex, works as well as any IP based platform. i.e. Not as fast as point-point connection but has all the features you would expect such as self defined autospreader, ladder and matrix windows.
I use IB for trading CBOT and CME futures every day since April. No problem except one day when prices were not updated frequently (orders were still no problem). Pays to have a second data source anyhow. ECBOT was down several times this year, but this has nothing to do with the broker.

I use the webstart version of the TWS tool, so I always have the latest version. Does about 3 to 5 software updates a month, an update takes about 2 to 5 minutes.
I could not live without X-Trader

It all depends how active you are.

X-Trader works fine over the internet or vpn if your broker has good data center. Fortis is super. Think you need 75k to open an account.


remote trading

Hi guys,

How much do you pay for remote access trading via Marex?Do they charge the same rates per lot for remote trading as trading in arcade?I am thiking about trading calendar spreads on Liffe with them so the cost of transcation and speed is important factor.


Hi all,

I wanted to know the difference between Black-Box and arcade? Can anyone help me? I am doing interspread spreas ( Eurostocks Vs Cac) from India and using stellar. Though I made huge money in Simulator, I have made loses in Live trading because of slippages. I am using stellar trading software and wondering if there is something wrong with the software.

Hope to find a suitable reply from at least one person.


Afternoon, further to another thread I'm thinking of trading remotely. For me, this means outside of an established Arcade.

I've used TT up until now which is great.... but would be interested to know if anyone has any experience trading with Pats J-Trader (Man, Marex, Kyte etc) or with either Saxo Bank or IB. I'm specifically interested in feedback on reliability, speed and system 'uptime'. Any feedback would be appreciated... if it's any help I trade Eurostoxx, Bunds and FTSE and am a short term position trader doing a couple of hundred roundies per day.

Ta in advance - as always!
Trading in Overseas market

Hi all,

I wanted to know the difference between Black-Box and arcade? Can anyone help me? I am doing interspread spreas ( Eurostocks Vs Cac) from India and using stellar. Though I made huge money in Simulator, I have made loses in Live trading because of slippages. I am using stellar trading software and wondering if there is something wrong with the software.

Hope to find a suitable reply from at least one person.


Dear friend

I am interested in trading USA market and would like to have a demo trading account from some USA brokers. Do you have any details which will hekp me to identify one USA broker for fetting a demo acount now and a trading account later

You can contact me through my email address pulimath at g m ail dot c o m

thanking you
With regards


HAs anyone got any further info into costs. I.e RT costs and system costs. I trade Stoxx and Bund/Bobl/Schatz spreads
I trade from a Sony laptop,IB broker,QT charts,and anywhere with dependable WIFI.A simple bracket trade via booktrader limits risk should WIFI fail or anything else.When remote,I rarely trade long.The risk of bids drying up and trapping me is not for me.Godzilla could come out of hibernation,what effect that would have !