Anyone trading with Interactive Brokers??

Hi all,
the past 2 1/2 days trying to contact interactive Brokers (outside the US) has been a complete mess.
- Chat function no where to be found.
- Webbased e-mail enquiry unanswered.
- A telephone number 0041-41 726 95 70 that directed me somewhere to Switzerland. And even though I chose the English language option someone was speaking some Dutch or German (sorry I dont know the difference between both languages). I simply couldn’t find any number for IB here in the UK
In summary: a complete mess. 😕

Anyway, my question is regarding the fee structure. I spent 2 days studying their webpage and the fees are ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Anyone with experience with IB and what the normal fees might look like trading normal 100-500 NASDAQ/ NYSE stocks?

I understand the basic cost plus plan is 0.0035 per stock which seems to be a fair price and I think I`ll be able to cough up the minimum $10K deposit.

But are there any additional fees? Per trade or per month? I`ve spotted at least 20 different (quite confusing) fees on their website.

How much does TWS basic cost with basic charting and Level 1 and Level 2 quote package cost for normal home office based non-professional retail investor?

Cheers and kind regards
Trev :idea:
...the past 2 1/2 days trying to contact interactive Brokers (outside the US) has been a complete mess.

Whenever I have tried contacting them I have called the US number as that is where they are based.
Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but if you aren`t able to find the proper tel number from their website I doubt you will be able to tame that beast called TWS!

IB`s tel no. is DIFFERENT from the one you mentioned ( replace ending 70 by 00!). Its clearly printed on their website under HELP and CONTACT (button at upper right corner).

Concerning pricing they offer different schemes: Flatrate (1 USD per 100shrs) or COSTplus.

TWS is free (if you produce commissions less than 30USD /MTH it is some 10 USD)

When they answer the number in Switzerland they say "guten tag" (Swiss German speaking) and you reply in English and the person switches instantly to fluent English.
When they answer the number in Switzerland they say "guten tag" (Swiss German speaking) and you reply in English and the person switches instantly to fluent English.

Yes, I did. And the Dude kept rapping. "Ick sie nicht verstehen, konnens leider kan English sprecken. Veileich versuchens spater nock einmal..." :|
I've heard many good things about IB and their services , yet the CS side of things was nigh on impossible to get a straight answer and agree the website is all over the shop like a mad womans breakfast.

I wanted to know if a margin facility was available for common named UK/US stocks.. yes.. Look on the website. WHERE?????

Too hard basket so my comm went somewhere off shore instead where i run a bit of delta on the regulation front but at least its an easy way to trade the way I like... shame.
