Anyone trading from Thailand


Junior member
i do a bit of trading on the YM and ES eminis.My question is to anyone who is living in thailand and trading US markets.Im having trouble getting on to my infinity futures platform due to poor internet.
after a remote assistance session it was discovered my ping time was over 300ms,which the bloke helping me says is to slow.Im using sophon fibre as my ISP with a package of 8M/512K.I was told even going up to more expensive packages is no garrauntee of it working,due to the bottleneck of getting signals back to the US,so if there is anyone who is trading from thailand,could you tell me how you overcome this hurdle,and what if anything can be done,also what ISP are you using,cheers
300ms is fine. It's not physically possible to get much better than that.

A more expensive package will not solve latency issues. Latency isn't really bottleneck. Latency is how long a message takes to go from point A to point B which is limited by the speed of light & distance.

Bottleneck/bandwidth is related to the width of the pipe. If your issues are intermittent, then you probably suffer from a bunch of pubescent boys downloading porn and playing Ragnarok in the local internet cafe. You need to ask Sophon what their sharing policy is.

I use True Cable & TOT Small Business connection with a load balancing router between the two to share the bandwidth. Generally speaking it's OK but I do occasionally have issues and I end up going through the same old "cannot guarantee international bandwidth" crap with their service people each time.

I'm in Bangkok - close to the airport. I presume you are in Patts, right? Not sure what choice you have out there but I think True would probably be better than Sophon.
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thanks mate,yeah im in patts.I had 2 blokes come over from sophon today,they scratched there heads for a while then left and said theyd be back tomorrow,so im expecting 4 of them to turn up next week for another headscratching excercise.I'll check out true tomorrow,ive only just put sophon on and paid up for 6 months,is there anyway of finding out if the new provider can do what i need before purchase,cheers