Anyone trading Forex in Thailand

Look in the last few years I been coming here the sex industry has visibly shrunk. In a nation of 60 mil if there's a 100 000 prostitutes here it's a lot. I'm sure there' s more in Europe and USA. Singapore with a floors of whores, Indo with it's city of prostitutes. It's everywhere, just a fact of life.

But depending on where you are and with who you are integrated into thai society it becomes super conservative. The one girl living with me, a 22 year old student got grounded for a month because my girl (our small family matriarch I guess) found a boy sleeping on her floor.

I said look, the girl is 22, let her do her thing. Not in my house she's not, was the reply.

Some part of thai society embraces the industry sure, but that changes rapidly depending on who you interact with, and the higher up in the social ladder it is, the more conservative it becomes...there is a super conservative Thailand! It's not all sex and drugs and rock and roll...!! Some Thai's are deeply embarrassed by the sex trade and want to shut down what remains of it.

But as always Thai is what you want it to be. And if your experience is different than mine it's because you want it to be.
Look in the last few years I been coming here the sex industry has visibly shrunk. In a nation of 60 mil if there's a 100 000 prostitutes here it's a lot. I'm sure there' s more in Europe and USA. Singapore with a floors of whores, Indo with it's city of prostitutes. It's everywhere, just a fact of life.

But depending on where you are and with who you are integrated into thai society it becomes super conservative. The one girl living with me, a 22 year old student got grounded for a month because my girl (our small family matriarch I guess) found a boy sleeping on her floor.

I said look, the girl is 22, let her do her thing. Not in my house she's not, was the reply.

Some part of thai society embraces the industry sure, but that changes rapidly depending on who you interact with, and the higher up in the social ladder it is, the more conservative it becomes...there is a super conservative Thailand! It's not all sex and drugs and rock and roll...!! Some Thai's are deeply embarrassed by the sex trade and want to shut down what remains of it.

But as always Thai is what you want it to be. And if your experience is different than mine it's because you want it to be.

I'm not sure how much time you spend here - but where exactly is it that you see the sex industry has visibly shrunk? Is it Pattaya?

If so - I understand the comment because there's a demographic shift in the tourist industry and demand on that side has reduced. This is not reflecting a change in policy on behalf of the powers that be but a change in the behaviour of the consumers.

Other than that, I can't see how you can claim the sex industry has reduced in any other area of Thailand. In some places it is visibly on the rise.

The thing is - the local sex industry is arguably much larger than the fare on offer to western tourists/sexpats. It's just a bit more discreet and

As for Thailand being conservative, it's a "face" thing. I do agree that Thai people like to portray themselves as conservative. The father that scolds his daughter for being out holding hands with a guy in Siam Square is the same guy that's got 2 minor wives and membership at Poseidon.

It's do as I say, not as I do out here.
Back to conservative Thailand....

RAYONG: -- Two Rayong women donned boxing gloves this Sunday and entered a match that offered as a prize a championship belt, THB40,000 in cash and the object of their mutual affections, who was married to one of the women and maintained the other as his mistress.

After the three rounds, Ketsarin Kijsom, the 27-year-old wife, who weighs 75 kilograms, was announced the winner after she effortlessly defeated Nittaya Singhngam, the 29-year-old mistress.

ต่อยมวยชิงผัว - YouTube
But that's like Thai Jerry Springer? Surely you don't think that is how Thai society in general is?

C'mon man, that's like saying Jerry Springer is the west.
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But that's like Thai Jerry Springer? Surely you don't think that is how Thai society in general is?

C'mon man, that's like saying Jerry Springer is the west.

In terms of population, yes of course - this is definitely how Thai society is. Look at the way the government is run - like one long running soap opera.

It's not just the lower classes that behave badly - the wealthy are just as bad. Go out all night, get drunk, take coke, get in your Ferrari, kill a cop on the way home - but don't go to jail...


Get in a car at 16 years old too young and no license, drive into a van full of people, then whilst the emergency services are scraping people off the road. Stand there calmly sending a text message to your girly friends telling them you have been inconveniently delayed and of course - don't go to jail


Drive your mercedes into a bus on purpose, then get out and when the people at the bus stop chastise you, get back into the car and run them over, killing a few of them. Then have your dad on TV saying it doesn't matter because they were poor. Then don't go to jail...


Go into a nightclub,take out a gun, shoot a policeman in the face, do a runner and come back when all the witnesses have disappeared or developed amnesia, then get off scott free and when daddy becomes deputy PM, get a job teaching police marksmen just to rub it in

Don't idealize Thailand - it is a very dangerous, corrupt place with a Xenophobic population and it's on the verge of a civil war.

One of the few countries on the planet that has no police force....

well they have cops - but they don't actually do police work - here's one now - doing a runner because he set a gal up saying she was selling drugs, told her to go to a hotel where she could get off if she had sex with him but got caught out when she called her brother from the bathroom...

ตำรวจ วิ่งหนีประชาชน - YouTube
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Ya i mean seriously, I'm not going to go scrounge around for dumb people doing **** in the west and then try compare that to dumbness in the west. It just happens.

You get idiots in all countries.

You can find any evidence of your view in any country. Or another country. Doesn't change the fact that my experience of Thai is super conservative vs your everyone ****s for money experience which is more an indication of your mindset than it is of the thai mindset. Capiche sex tourist...?!
In terms of population, yes of course - this is definitely how Thai society is. Look at the way the government is run - like one long running soap opera.

It's not just the lower classes that behave badly - the wealthy are just as bad. Go out all night, get drunk, take coke, get in your Ferrari, kill a cop on the way home - but don't go to jail...


Get in a car at 16 years old too young and no license, drive into a van full of people, then whilst the emergency services are scraping people off the road. Stand there calmly sending a text message to your girly friends telling them you have been inconveniently delayed and of course - don't go to jail


Drive your mercedes into a bus on purpose, then get out and when the people at the bus stop chastise you, get back into the car and run them over, killing a few of them. Then have your dad on TV saying it doesn't matter because they were poor. Then don't go to jail...


Go into a nightclub,take out a gun, shoot a policeman in the face, do a runner and come back when all the witnesses have disappeared or developed amnesia, then get off scott free and when daddy becomes deputy PM, get a job teaching police marksmen just to rub it in

Don't idealize Thailand - it is a very dangerous, corrupt place with a Xenophobic population and it's on the verge of a civil war.

One of the few countries on the planet that has no police force....

well they have cops - but they don't actually do police work - here's one now - doing a runner because he set a gal up saying she was selling drugs, told her to go to a hotel where she could get off if she had sex with him but got caught out when she called her brother from the bathroom...

ตำรวจ วิ่งหนีประชาชน - YouTube

lol sounds like you are a one way ticket out of their dude. There are certain things that would get on my 7its if I lived in SE Asia.

(i) corruption. I have been stopped by Police 4 times each and every time I paid a bribe and was swiftly on my way.

(ii) double standards. enough said

(iii) personal safety. If you have paper there is always someone willing to stick you for your paper.

(iv) starbucks rage (a phrase I coined)

It will always be a trade off. You get the great weather, great scenery and beaches but there are drawbacks. 🙂
lol ...I must say as a native south african point i to iv just doesn't even make it to consideration.

There's almost no crime here. Odd bribe the cop or get ripped off by a tuk-tuk guy, $1 here, $2 there, odd political riot, who cares...

Where I come from they walk up to you in the streets, shoot you in the face, search your dead or dying body and see if you had anything worth stealing...
sigh...I can't have this conversation. You're just to dumb. Sorry....

Says the guy that calls himself Chubby Monkey. 🙄

All of those stories above are fact, not fiction. Stuff like this goes on all the time & it's getting worse.

It's not just me - ask any long term expat what they think about the place and you'll hear the same thing, especially those who have kids growing up here.

Thailand has it's charms, that is undeniable but it is a corrupt, lawless place where the poor get shat on from a great height and the rich can murder and rape without recourse.
Look, you pay a dowry for the girl. Higher the social status the more. Top end of this scale the girls are guarded.

If your perception is that all thai girls put out, then you are just to poor to afford the top end.

And as for as lawless go, it also means freedom. At a price, but freedom, something very few westerners know.
lol ...I must say as a native south african point i to iv just doesn't even make it to consideration.

There's almost no crime here. Odd bribe the cop or get ripped off by a tuk-tuk guy, $1 here, $2 there, odd political riot, who cares...

Where I come from they walk up to you in the streets, shoot you in the face, search your dead or dying body and see if you had anything worth stealing...

And it's hotter in Mumbai than Thailand but that hardly makes Thailand cold does it.

Trouble is - the bribes you make to cops is the tip of the iceberg. Thailand is full of boiler rooms too - ripping off foreigners for millions. I know a girl who worked as a secretary at one. They were protected by a general in the army who unfortunately one time tipped off the owner a bit late when a raid was due.

6 people were jailed. I went to visit the girl - I was annoyed somewhat that she worked in a boiler room - even as a secretary - anyway, upshot is that it took US$600k payment to police and judges to drop the case. One day someone just turned up, opened the cell doors and let them out. Then a week later they were in a hotel room with a senior policeman re-working all the statements as necessary.

Perhaps you think bribing a cop is cute but the reality is that if a wealthy person got drunk and ran your wife over tomorrow - you would have zero recourse. In fact, if you kicked up too much of a fuss, you could end up having a mishap yourself.

So - yes, it is all very amusing at first but the reality is that Thailand is getting worse, hopefully as a precursor to it getting better at some point.
Look, you pay a dowry for the girl. Higher the social status the more. Top end of this scale the girls are guarded.

If your perception is that all thai girls put out, then you are just to poor to afford the top end.

And as for as lawless go, it also means freedom. At a price, but freedom, something very few westerners know.

Bizarrely - the idea of buying a wife never occurred to me. So not being able to afford a 'top-end' one wasn't really an issue.

I was 26 when I got here and I can tell you that middle class Thai girls do indeed have boyfriends and have sex. I am astounded that you think that all these University educated office girls, nurses, marketing, sales women are all virgins. Most lose it at University. Hell - I had a female project manager and a female QA analyst both nailing the same bloody English programmer that was tripping out here - caused me no end of grief.

Now - about the sinsod (dowry). If you marry a Thai farm girl, you will be pushed hard to hand over money for mom and gold for the wife. More modern Thai parents don't worry about it and those that do generally want it to show the relatives as a way to confirm their standing in the community. In the time I've been here it has been very few cases where the girls parents didn't hand back the sinsod to the couple after the wedding. In short, the parents don't need it but they like it as a gesture at the wedding.

I don't know how much you paid for your virgin bride but it may still be time to get a refund.... Certainly, if you brought a "top end" one - her rich parents wouldn't have needed the cash.... 😛
The rub. It's not about family wealth, it's about how attractive my purchase is. DT, does this factor affect my price?

Yes - but the price of surgery is coming down now, so it's cheaper to get a cheap, ugly, flat chested one and spruce her up with some after-market custom parts.

Hell - if you want to really keep the budget tight, you can get a fella - you can't beat a convertible.
Yes - but the price of surgery is coming down now, so it's cheaper to get a cheap, ugly, flat chested one and spruce her up with some after-market custom parts.

Hell - if you want to really keep the budget tight, you can get a fella - you can't beat a convertible.

Christ. Thailand, does it have some kind of consumer law??