Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Many of the factors that influence performance, even among expert performers, are situational and not part of fixed personality traits. What we perceive and how we respond are greatly influenced by the environment. A full understanding of a trader’s performance requires an appreciation of the specific situation in which the performance was embedded.
Dax flatlined.

How long can the magic 'levitation' illusion go on.


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Is anyone here hoping to become a bitcoin miw-yon-aire? I think your well on your way.
Nearly got in to Bitcoin last year, would have nearly tripled by now, what scared me the most is just how far and how quick it could move in either direction in a couple of days, just thought it had to much potential to wipe out you account !!, obviously should have listened to my 'greed' side 😈
Nearly got in to Bitcoin last year, would have nearly tripled by now, what scared me the most is just how far and how quick it could move in either direction in a couple of days, just thought it had to much potential to wipe out you account !!, obviously should have listened to my 'greed' side 😈

How could you possibly put aside the 'emotion' of greed, thats not possible! Is it? 😉
How could you possibly put aside the 'emotion' of greed, thats not possible! Is it? 😉

I quite often don't 😱, but my overwhelming thoughts where 'account's' and 'wiped out', so i unusually gave it a miss, and the fact that i still couldn't quite understand it 😕

Not that i fully understand the various indices, but now and again i do get some lucky breaks ! :innocent:👍
Bitcoin is meant to be a fast way to transmit money, cheaply, anonymously and securely.

Now to me that is a fast version of a cheque from many years ago but did the cheques themselves have value. Now with Bitcoin there is a finite amount of coin, so to use the cheque analogy there is a finite amount of cheques in circulation and we can cut them a few times to use them more but again does the cheque need value.

Ok let's say I want to buy the largest tuna in the auctions in Japan. I send my Euro and buy bitcoins and the Japanese auction receives my Bitcoin instantly and then sells them for real money to pay the fisherman who needs to pay for his fuel and wages etc. So who gives a damn what level bitcoin is if it is to be bought and cashed out immediately and who would reasonably use it when in a given few minutes it can rise or fall 5%.

Now I might be getting on a bit but I just fail to see it in any other way than that. Help me out where I am wrong please, anyone.
The week shall be full not only of macroeconomic events (such as the Fed meeting and some economic indicators in the US and Europe) but also microeconomic (like business results) and political events (with the second round of presidential elections in France). In the political field, it should be noted that yesterday the heads of state and government of the European Union in Brussels adopted the guidelines for negotiations with London with a view to achieving the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Today the PMI index for the manufacturing sector in the Euro Zone will be known.
What timescale do you have on that ??

I also have a target on S&p at 2347.8, which i estimate 'could' be anytime in the next couple of weeks.

After the fomc statement and before next Thursday, thats as good as it gets right now.
After the fomc statement and before next Thursday, thats as good as it gets right now.

That sounds good to me, if you could go ahead and arrange that, i'd be very happy, go away on a fjords cruise in a couple of weeks, so would like no positions open by then, hate going somewhere where there's no wifi 👍
That dax, up nearly 45% from February 16 lows! 😱

Is that 4.5% or 45% ???, what year do you have for the Feb 16 low 😕
If its this year, i have the low at 11727.8, i make that about 6.5% !!,
or have been duped by the Postie humour !!!! 😆😆