Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Judging by the way there is NO attempt to lift the Dax up from its lows, its going to be bloody today.
Wondering what reasons there, to buy?

Can think of few reasons to sell. No reason to buy? 🙄
No reason to buy? 🙄

For the first 4 months of the year the brokers were all banging on about QE providing "a backstop" to the Euro indices 'thus making it safe' - has all that just evaporated?

At 1400 points down from the highs, surely Greece's exit has been factored in by now?

I would like to think the bulls should take over at some point before or at 10800, and we'll hit 12500 [at least] by December.

Sell the rumour buy the fact?
For the first 4 months of the year the brokers were all banging on about QE providing "a backstop" to the Euro indices 'thus making it safe' - has all that just evaporated?

At 1400 points down from the highs, surely Greece's exit has been factored in by now?

I would like to think the bulls should take over at some point before or at 10800, and we'll hit 12500 [at least] by December.

Sell the rumour buy the fact?

I think the switch from US to EU equities did take place.

I was bullish on DAX and bearish on DOW.

In the last two weeks that's all changed. DAX dropped and SPX/DOW still walking on air.

Either way Grexit dominating the headlines. Brexit queuing up.

At least the sun's got it's hat on. 👍
Greece hasnt been priced it is being priced in. Really don't want to even predict how far the market will tank if Greec defaulted. What we've Ben seeing over the past 2 weeks is just a repeat of what happened in 2011

At 1400 points down from the highs, surely Greece's exit has been factored in by now?

I would like to think the bulls should take over at some point before or at 10800, and we'll hit 12500 [at least] by December.

Sell the rumour buy the fact?

The rate of decline is getting steeper. We may have reached a tipping point.
US having a small morning dip or a dive in the deep end

The three wise monkeys are all near support imo🙂

Dow 17816
SP 2083
NDX 4455
The Germans cant get it up.


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evening all
FTSE 4 hour rolling bookies chart
nearly at the lower parallel of the Mod Schiff:
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4 hour Dax
rolling chart
hit the median line...that would be a good target when entering short from above: