Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

So it looks like a false rally until friday and then sell whatever Bernanke says. I somehow think that the prelim GDP number at 1:30pm on Friday may have more of a say in it.
So it looks like a false rally until friday and then sell whatever Bernanke says. I somehow think that the prelim GDP number at 1:30pm on Friday may have more of a say in it.

agreed there, I expect the FTSE to make the money early 1st hour then treadwater for most of the day with a fall into the US early session with the DOW continuing the fall once the FTSE closes
MartinC-J, dc200 and others... thanks for posting your opinions and trades. I feel that I can read the markets to a fairly good degree, especially the dow, but I tend to struggle with nerves a bit, and don't make many trades, and they are often short in time. I hope that by comparing your views with my own, that I'm able to have more confidence and conviction to trade. Just to say that your views are appreciated, and hope you continue - it really helps.
Well, if anyone works with the news how about Steve Jobs resigning from Apple for health reasons, this morning? I am curious about what that will do to the market.

Hmmm but it comes after Apple won a European battle over the galaxy I think its only been a matter of time for Jobbs to step down but we will see

ps Have you heard of this thing called sleep looking at you time stamp

Im looking for some volatility early doors I have limit orders in and will be ready on the mouse
Wow paint drying then

like the 70s show "time to turn off and go and do something more interesting" until 1:25
we could drift all the way to 310 for me the bigger the harder falll n all that I wonder if the hourly/half hourly buy/sell will still be good
MartinC-J, dc200 and others... thanks for posting your opinions and trades. I feel that I can read the markets to a fairly good degree, especially the dow, but I tend to struggle with nerves a bit, and don't make many trades, and they are often short in time. I hope that by comparing your views with my own, that I'm able to have more confidence and conviction to trade. Just to say that your views are appreciated, and hope you continue - it really helps.

Higherorlower - You are not alone. What you are going through is very normal for traders, especially if you have a limited supply of funds. I have no problems making trades on the sim, but when I go live I tend to have inertia. If you have confidence in your ability to read the market structure correctly and not enter trades on a whim, then over time you will become successful. The markets recently have been quite difficult to trade, so don't beat yourself up too badly.
A bit like this praps...arf arf.

My guess is that the prelim GDP number at 1:30pm is going to be below 1%, and that will cast a shadow over what Bernanke has to say. He won't be doing QE3, but will hint that he will do something. I just don't see the market buying it and it will likely sell off in to the close on Friday night. But everyone is expecting a sell off, so maybe it won't and they will engineer a bear squeeze.
Higherorlower - You are not alone. What you are going through is very normal for traders, especially if you have a limited supply of funds. I have no problems making trades on the sim, but when I go live I tend to have inertia. If you have confidence in your ability to read the market structure correctly and not enter trades on a whim, then over time you will become successful. The markets recently have been quite difficult to trade, so don't beat yourself up too badly.

I had (and partly at times still do) the same problem with being able to execute trades through pure indecision, despite running a track record and a sound method with stops, limits etc on demo. One thing i found that sorted it out MASSIVELY was simply trading micro lots or micro account! Getting your money in the market when you should (dependent on how you trade) but @ a much lower cost 🙂

Mitigates risk (of blowing larger amounts from emotionally trading) whilst boosting confidence in an affordable way!