Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Anyone heard anything on the wires about the likely outcome of the Spanish banks' stress test audit and what time the figures are due to be released ?

I think this could have a significant impact on the markets in today's session ?

dont think markets take bank stress tests very seriously, since previous stress tests gave banks clean bill of health, after which many needed government bailouts

I can give u the result of the stress tests right now.

99% of european banks passed the stress test with flying colous, one tiny bank in portugal needed to increase core capital by 1%.
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FTSE for Friday , its 88% bearish.

Dec SP500 futures trigger level for bullishness was 1432.2 its now 1439.1 (mid from ig)

looks like the bearish case is playing out. still few hours to go.

todays trigger was 1438.2 equating to 5797 today.(approx)
Afternoon SD - yeah been that way since 10 am this morning. doesn't look to be letting up anytime soon.

afternoon begeegs

maybe the european bank stress test may move things. not sure when it is,

I wonder which fx pair is most correlated with FTSE
afternoon begeegs

maybe the european bank stress test may move things. not sure when it is,

I read somewhere it is due out at 5PM, after close of European markets. All eyes are on Spain at the moment so I think the report may have an impact on market sentiment.

Its a shame jungerns did not stick around a bit longer today. I think he may have enjoyed how things are currently panning out !
Heard on talking forex that there are currently unconfirmed rumours going around that Spain may request a formal bailout after close of European markets today.
Heard on talking forex that there are currently unconfirmed rumours going around that Spain may request a formal bailout after close of European markets today.

lets assume the bank stress tests are superb each bank is as strong as a horse.

would markets rally? the financial condition of the banks is hardly a secret
lets assume the bank stress tests are superb each bank is as strong as a horse.

would markets rally? the financial condition of the banks is hardly a secret

The way the markets are balanced at the moment imho I do think that this could be a market mover.

Banks have being doing their utmost since the onset of the financial crisis to hide the real extent of their losses. My hunch is that the report could indicate losses greater than current expectations. On the other hand you are correct in saying that
markets have grown sceptical to the findings of such audits.
‏@kitjuckes (top dog)

Chatter Spain gets downgraded after close, more chatter Spain asks for bailout after close. The point og the:)
still holding the DOW n FTSE shorts cant see any change to our standpoint unless Dow can hit the 13224 today
Off now have a good weekend SD maybe a bounce next week off the trend line.


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