Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

What was those Spikes all about then.....??
Flattened off again but took my Dax Short out for but have re entered......

cant see it , dont think US indices spiked, a mystery, cant be RIO its still down 1.5%

might be trailing stops as the FTSE probed the lows of the day.

if it was AAPL ftse would not still be in 27pt range, would be 50pt range min. its just noise
SP500 cash was 10pt below pivots now is at those pivots, when i said SP500 was 87% bearish i had forgotten about the AAPL report. AAPL the biggest company in the world can whip markets around.
was anybody short ? ...

i was short from approx 5848, closed at lost about 4pts,

but went long from buy pivot (5854) , with a few hiccups

does anyone know when AAPL reports?

I got greedy had 5829 as possible support but held out for 5810/5812.