Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Uncle Ben to the rescue

his Helicopter got a jump start and the blown fuse at the printing press has been replaced ..hehe!!
sorry split i don't agree on that one. i need to look at many levels when trading. weekly, monthly even yearly charts all have their value. just have a look back on this thread and see how many times 5089 for instance has had an influence on the market and for me still is.

Don't be sorry! 😀 I appreciate your reply.

5089 was yesterday. I'm a day older since then and now the index is 170 points lower. God know's where it is going to end up, especially these days. I'll see where it goes this afternoon, have a good night's sleep, watch the open and make up my mind, then.
I would like to know for sure what this sell off is all about. What is different today from this time last week? Not a whole lot. Greece is still going to default. The ECB is going to prop up any (French) bank that has too much exposure to Greece. The US plods on, and has even had some reasonable data. The biggest difference is we are in a new quarter. And I think that triggered the selling and then we "should" get a bounce eventually, but only after Greece is declared in default officially.

Let's see how the ES closes this evening. It is actually just in the black and is now higher than it was at 9pm last night.
Do you have a direct line to the Bernank???


funny though I was talking to a friend in the states last night a contractor with a share portfolio and he was asking "how come there is all the worry over Europe yet its the US shares that seem to be selling off the most " he went on about getting sh;t together UK and Germany

you know what my answer was
You could see them taking profits for the last 10-15mins , then huge buying in the cash market at 4.29.... nice way to finish the day

funny though I was talking to a friend in the states last night a contractor with a share portfolio and he was asking "how come there is all the worry over Europe yet its the US shares that seem to be selling off the most " he went on about getting sh;t together UK and Germany

you know what my answer was

Quantitative Easing Explained - YouTube

best explanation of QE I have ever seen - paste into your browser
FTSE long remains active

closing all other longs for + 150

made + 100 this morning = + 250 for today

yesterday made + 100

so far this week = + 350
well what can i say chaps

I have showed you in real time y making + 350 points in just 2 days trading

I have only shown you my indices trades

If I shared my commods and FX trades ......I would have whole of trade2win on my back 24/7 for teaching !!

I am willing to help all to learn , All I ask is to show mutual respect and together we will prosper.

Together we rise and together we fall