Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I am using cash prices... so as not to confuse with DCs comments. Though I have noticed he seems to quote Ftse cash, but Dow futures

J, I am fairly sure he is quoting the cash price for the Dow. His call last night of 10975 for the Dow cash was equivalent to 10900 on the YM. The YM went to 10890 which is a pretty damn good call, considering he made it 24 hours in advance.

Interesting to see the volume pick up this morning when 5100 was breached on the FTSE futures, and how much it cost them to support this and turn it around. I am expecting a fairly active afternoon session.
Hi guys sorry to bother everyone but i just started out on day trading and really dont know much about charts and all the technical know how. Just started with like 100 pounds to try learn and turn in some extra cash. Need to know if there's any live feeds or chats or forums with users helping out with signals and sharing live trading tips. I know people busy in trading don't usually have time for this kinda stuff but i am just hoping maybe there's something or some one out there to help me out. Thanks.

Welcome, I would be very wary of any such place. There is a place called woodies (american based) that have a 'live' chat forum with a moderator. but some of the free feeds are a little behind real time and while they welcome anyone new they strongly and persistently emphasize paper trading until you have found a strategy that works for you. Some of the moderators on there are more interesting than others!

Stick around on here and ask questions, it's a polite and helpful forum. Watch out for the odd bit of spam, but it's usually obvious and ignored.
Hi guys sorry to bother everyone but i just started out on day trading and really dont know much about charts and all the technical know how. Just started with like 100 pounds to try learn and turn in some extra cash. Need to know if there's any live feeds or chats or forums with users helping out with signals and sharing live trading tips. I know people busy in trading don't usually have time for this kinda stuff but i am just hoping maybe there's something or some one out there to help me out. Thanks.

wajjjih: Sign up for a free trial with Tom at Whichway to trade. and read everything written by Lance Beggs on his website yourtradingcoach.

You are better off saving your £100 and not trading until you have at least £2000. Open a futures account with someone like Open Ecry and practise like crazy onthe free sim they provide. But don't put any real money at risk until you have traded on a sim with pretend money profitably for at least a month. If you don't you will lose a lot of money.

Good luck


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DC2000 - great call last night on the Dow. You called the target of 10975 at 7pm on Wednesday, and it hit the target almost exactly last night at 8pm. Your time machine is working perfectly.

cheers martin
Im in long at 11006 and FTSE 5086 FTSE has completed pattern for this week and pushed forward a day
still have both longs from this morning

yes deep pockets but the move expected is big Im looking for the DOW to cover tuesday to thursday ranges in one day
oh missed to pick the sub 5100 and 10900....set the orders too low....will it give one more chance or should i go long at current prices...
No matter how much we will this up, there are obviuosly people who want this down. I've done much better today scalping than swing trading. And boy has it been a wild ride this afternoon. Maybe it will go ballistic after 4:30pm.
Like it or not the trend has been down.The fight now seems around 5080, may see a little push as people close out for the weekend.
No matter how much we will this up, there are obviuosly people who want this down. I've done much better today scalping than swing trading. And boy has it been a wild ride this afternoon. Maybe it will go ballistic after 4:30pm.

Glad to hear your giving swing trading a go. IMO its less intensive. But if you can do both at the same time then winner winner chicken dinner.

Are you getting 2 contracts and closing one at your scalping target and leaving one on?.
Open ECry have crashed yet again. What a great time to go down at 4:11pm on a friday at quarter end. That's the third crash this week. Normally they are very reliable.
Glad to hear your giving swing trading a go. IMO its less intensive. But if you can do both at the same time then winner winner chicken dinner.

Are you getting 2 contracts and closing one at your scalping target and leaving one on?.

Yeah Mark, that's right. Am taking something off the table every time with the first contract. I was letting them run more this morning but when I could have banked a lot more by scalping, I started closing all trades the moment it looked like a stall. No chicken dinner but 100 pts for the day, which could have been a lot better. Today was not a swingers market. A little to choppy maybe and no sustained trends, unless of course you went short at 8am.