When I say strength I mean perceived strength in relation to where the dow is trading.
SP500 is 100% bullish
Dow is 56% bullish
Do you have a new upside target DC? When you say time constraints is there at time target as well? Thanks.
i dont keep track of dc these days but whats his latest ....has he still got deep pockets?
very deep pockets
lose the stress dont trade on margin
flash crash comming
Thanks DC. Would you expect a drop next week for expiry or before then?
A floor trader from New York spoke about flash crash on TV last week in Australia.
Because of the lack of volume and liquidity in the current share market in the USA.
FTSE pivots for Wednesday
Buy 5804
Sell 5793
FTSE close = Dow 13,230
these pivots are in play today
ft dow ratio 2.267?