Those who follow the movements of the Footsie shares , what do you think of the Stamndard Chartered Bank problem in the US? This could influence, heavily, today.
morning bustech
dow to go up today
Morning SD
Everthing looks a bit tied to me.
On the otherside.
A lot of global markets are paying divs in Aug and Sep.
Share holders may hang onto collect these, could also bring in some more buyers.
If u dont pay political contributions the senate congress will come after u, its a nice protection racket, HSBC hardly pays any money to the thieving politicians in the US so they are being shaken down
Those who follow the movements of the Footsie shares , what do you think of the Stamndard Chartered Bank problem in the US? This could influence, heavily, today.
nasty... falling knife anyone?
RIO has crossed above 100day ma, think it reports tomorrow ?
Hope Springs Eternal & Boosts Global Stocks
Biderman's Daily Edge 8/6/2012: Hope Springs Eternal & Boosts Global Stocks - YouTube
Reports in Sydney 4pm(6am London time)
If u dont pay political contributions the senate congress will come after u, its a nice protection racket, HSBC hardly pays any money to the thieving politicians in the US so they are being shaken down