Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

And this is why you dont do drugs!

"BEAR's top General running the entire show from Mauna Loa. This is the plan for Wave 3. The spherical Wave is a doomsday call that will come much later in Wave (3) - a fractal at least 32 degrees of Trend greater than the incoming Wave 3. So, that's for much later down the road.
Now we are only dealing with Wave 3.
Mauna Loa in Hawaii was where Xenu launched the entire command post for the entire planet. The other volcanoes are well known to the cognoscenti. H-bombs were placed on each of these Volcanoes and electronic ribbons were used to implant the beings of the Galactic confederation of 76 Planets.
You see they had the same problem that WE now appear to be having that has shown up in conspiracy theories about population control. Earth, called Teejeeack back then, 75 million years ago was a remote and distant planet, so remote in the confederation that Xenu decided to make it a prison planet for all the dissenters, bums, reprobates and whatnot. To cement the fate of Teejeeack, Xenu made sure that the Lawyers of the galactic confederation were the predominant species of the new populating of Teejeeack.
It worked quite well for Xenu as is fairly obvious today.
General plan concept was: by placing able beings amongst retards, deadbeats, reprobates, sick, criminals and whatnot was bound to imprison the able and render them useless in total internal confusion in the mind
Xenu succeeded for the most part. There are only a handful of freedom fighters still standing on Teejeeack and Fibo is one of them.
Teejeeack's population is 8 billion. Now dig this: the population of each of the 76 planets of the Galactic confederation was 280 billion. Can you dig it?
all of this begs the obvious question, "wtf is Big Joe smokin?" 🙂😉😎🤣 What if I told you, he ain't smokin at all and is quite sober!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂"

He's still foretelling a Bear market 3 years later, and still wrong to this day.
Bought near the open but closed too early for just +120 pips

Going L again here on ES at 4205

Target 4250

Will post add ons if it goes against me
Going to be a flat day in the US today.
Dow currently up 100 overnight (of course), will fade that later.