Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

You say this in jest, however I have posted in the past about traders who instead of taking bonuses in the uk had an offshore company that the Bank paid for their services. Then the offshore company would 'loan' the trader a large sum of money, the trader would fail to pay back the loan and the offshore company would write off the bad debt.
Can you imagine how much bad debt has been written off in the last decade and how much of that was 'loans' to traders (or politicians). This is how they are doing it.

Recent tenants of the same premises had multiple, substantial and numerous offshore arrangements of this sort.

Talking of 'offshore' -

Meanwhile, as the FTSE plunges, the S&P & Nasdaq soar to new record highs on reports of a bumper double apple crop.

Copper.........Buy the drip
Why aren't you showing the price is $$$'s
Does anyone remember when crude sold for $200 per barrel just because one trader wanted to be THE ONE who bought it at $200. Well the same thing is happening with Copper some idiot is going to buy Copper at $10,000 just to be famous and then its going to plummet.
Watch this space.
