Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

BofA out with quarter-end pension rebalancing and it’s a BIG one:

Estimate $85b out of equities into fixed income, inc. $41b into Treasuries - historically significant vs. last three years
BofA out with quarter-end pension rebalancing and it’s a BIG one:

Estimate $85b out of equities into fixed income, inc. $41b into Treasuries - historically significant vs. last three years
This is (probably) a purely mathematical thing.
They are required by law (or contract) to have a certain % ratio of equities to bonds in order to balance risk. So the more money they make on equities the more they have to sell and purchase bonds. They've made a lot of money on equities in the last year.
Its not bearish for stocks it just means they are selling a lot to stay within their terms and conditions.

From Jason leavitt
You do know Biden is already lining up 2 more stimmiy's for $3trillion total. Its supposed to be for infrastructure but it will all end up in Stonks eventually.
The markets going to love that.
Powell speaking at 4pm it'll be fine. 😬
Mr. Powell, do you agree with Ben, or do you think that we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives?

Yes. ..... growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.

Hm. Well, Mr. Powell, I must admit that is one of the most refreshing and optimistic statements I've heard in a very, very long time. I admire your good, solid sense. That's precisely what we lack on Capitol Hill.
