Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

just off to golf so nothing for me

ftse is -34 weak at 10:00am so maybe a good chance to play reversal and dow hedge if goes wrong.

evenin' all - anyone bite? You've had a good day if you did whether straight trade or pair. Trust me to be golfing.
I've sent you step by step instructions on how to set it all up, metatrader 4 included. It's quite complicated to do if you've never done it before but hey, you have all weekend!

Like I said I don't use MT4 to trade through but for custom writing indicators in code it's by far the best, the things you can do is unlimited. It's great for analysis I just don't trust brokers that use it. I use these charts and trade through IG

If you have ANY problems don't hesitate to get in touch. Since I've started trading this way I've seen a marked improvement in my profit margins 👍

Thanks very much.. I've just had a quick look... busy day for me tomorrow!
Thanks very much.. I've just had a quick look... busy day for me tomorrow!


On this chart I've circled all the things you need to be looking for

the hardest part is getting the code base into the experts tab but I'm sure you'll figure that out if you follow my instructions


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On this chart I've circled all the things you need to be looking for

the hardest part is getting the code base into the experts tab but I'm sure you'll figure that out if you follow my instructions

that looks interesting, solo. What is it? Oops grandson arrived , bbl.

On this chart I've circled all the things you need to be looking for

the hardest part is getting the code base into the experts tab but I'm sure you'll figure that out if you follow my instructions

early days i suppose but have you tried it out?
Hey Barjon,

I've managed to get the Dow price overlayed on a ftse chart. I was saying earlier that I'm a visual kinda guy. Trading from numbers doesn't do anything for me I need to physically SEE how strong or weak the dow/ftse is and where they may diverge or converge in price. By plotting the two prices on one chart I can see instantly how they are both trading as opposed to either having to flick back through two seperate charts and work it out or just by numbers which confuse my tiny noggin 😀

This afternoon is the first time Dick L.

Yeah it's going well so far but I'm just on a demo until I figure this out for sure. I don't have set rules for it just yet and only playing around with the parameters and what I've learned from Barjon so far. But yeah it's going well, one month of this and I should be able to take it back onto my live account.
If you look at the chart it's so interesting to see where the dow and ftse have in fact overlapped at times and even crossed each other. There's big areas of divergence followed by strong convergence wow there's so many opportunities to trade this it's untrue. Just have to find what works for you I guess.
11k! Jesus didn't even notice. I've only been away for a couple of days 😀 Who got the 11K post? Bet it was SD again 😉
Right then...

HTW if you need any help send me a PM, I'm off for a bit of dinner now and a good weekend.

Sounds like you've almost cracked it though, let me know how it goes either way 🙂

See you all later, and have a good weekend too.