Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Housebound for 7 months!
Morning you lot...
Housebound really is like being confined to an institution.
Both my student daughter and Academic spouse are working from home and just don't get the idea that when I'm at my desk I'm "not here", so apart from the incessant miaowing it's been an alternately unremunerative or expensive period, depending on the quality and duration of the interruptions. What with domestic bliss and an unremitting stream of shite consultancy jobs it's been an altogether crap lockdown. Roll on Xmas.
Oh Joy.
Morning you lot...
Housebound really is like being confined to an institution.
Both my student daughter and Academic spouse are working from home and just don't get the idea that when I'm at my desk I'm "not here", so apart from the incessant miaowing it's been an alternately unremunerative or expensive period, depending on the quality and duration of the interruptions. What with domestic bliss and an unremitting stream of shite consultancy jobs it's been an altogether crap lockdown. Roll on Xmas.
Oh Joy.
Only another 8 months to go. :ROFLMAO:
At what point will markets realise that none of this money can be paid back and Governments (and by extension all the people) are hopelessly in debt?
Iv'e come to the conclusion that adding zero's on a computer doesn't matter one jot, because they are all doing it in the developed world. Nobody is holding the bag !
I've come to the conclusion that all this money they are 'borrowing' comes out of nowhere. Who are they borrowing from? The sheeple never ask any questions so don't get any answers neither!
This same thing goes on with the Dax and the Dow day after day.
There is a 'target' to be reached.
Someone starts to sell.
So they push the prices up faster to reach the 'target' level.
