Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

The thing about the US markets is there is a CONSTANT drip of buying, so its always going up.
The only time it goes down is when people selling overwhelms the buying, but at some point the sellers always stop and the buying continues to drive the prices ever higher.
Then the sellers have to buy back in again causing the accelerated buying into the close.
There are 2 things history teaches us which are at play here.
1. U.S. markets ALWAYS go up. Look at the dow and s&p and nasdaq from inception to today, ALWAYS go up.
2. The best way to invest successfully is NOT to buy in lump sums, but to buy little and often so you average out the peaks and troughs. These buying programs are doing exactly that. They buy constantly and therefore average out ALL the peaks and troughs. They are THE most efficient way to invest!