Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

This is what we need, more good news like this to make the markets fall.

  • Rightmove Boom: All-time high for sales agreed in a month

The market needs bagholders.
Here is something I had not thought through.
I trade stocks because its a non zero sum game, everyone can make money, thats been true since the indexes began. However the 'extra' money that enters the system every month to make markets rise is slowing! Pension funds are not getting contributions from people who are furloughed so the amount of new money entering the market is smaller. This WILL have a negative impact on markets. Will it be enough to stop the ridiculous rise in markets - who knows but it is a factor.
Here's the 'no reason' were just going vertical part of the day.
S&P just off its all time high, why wouldn't it be I mean everything is going SO well in America right now.