Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

think we got another 10 years of manual day trading before government takes this away from us.

I cant see why indices wouldnt go higher than current record highs
DOW 60k
S&P 700
FTSE, 7K - This wont move.
look at how ESMA was bought into play to reduce leverage.
Dowboys making as much $$$$$ as they can before the hammer falls!

Cleaning up the charts in prep...making them "pretty".

We are staring strait into the eyes of a MAJOR RECESSION.
Short YM

NAS weighs heavily on the DOW (its like an anchor deployed on a speedboat dargging and dragging on it)

cant stop it but slows it down a bit
closed my initial shorts at 28090s by averaging out, now my short is at 28154. stop loss 28175. still small sizes.

wont be adjusting my SL this time.
started of Short 28090 with SL 28125, now 28154 and SL 28175.

buyers are too strong today. I had hoped US open would see some drop.