Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

what amazes me and annoying me the most is dax/dow moving up but FTSE not following but when dax/dow falls, FTSE is happy to fall with them too.

it has struggled to crack 6300 quite a lot now.

if it falls any further, going to be hurt a bit. mistake for putting all my eggs in 1 trade this morning.
Welcome to my world.

Q. Why is the ftse down 55 points?
A. Because the market is open.

The ftse doesnt need a reason it just falls!

very valid point. this may actually be my last trade on ftse. restarted with trading it 6 weeks ago, not enjoyed the way it moves.
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OK the dow made a high on 15th 27,071, if it cant break that today that 'could' signify weakness. However trying to find weakness in a market where 'printer go brrrr' is like picking up pennies in front of a steam roller.
@fibo_trader is very quiet today perhaps he's choosing his new home.
And theres no more stimulus cheques coming. 😱
@john jackson III had a massive loss again yesterday, daddy stopped replenishing his account over a year ago, he only came back when the gubbernment started handing out stimulus cheques but even the gubbernment wont top up his account now.
Wont be seeing him again for at least 3 months.
heading for a double top on the Dow? fecker that last ramp up took me by surprise
I've started calling it a stop now rather than a top because there IS no top to that market. Just a place where its stops to rest.
Trading the dow ...

Buy the dip "Its as good for you today as its always been".

An advert made by Sir Ridley Scott no less!