Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

A tad out with rez
US house prices going up - yep of course, highest number of people out of work so they all go out and buy new houses.
PMI misses - stonks go up.
WTF do the markets think JPow and his printer gang are going to say???
The Fed can't afford to have a stock market crash to complicate matters. He HAS TO talk the market up...

Don't forget, the Fed is a share-issuing company and the shares are owned by the banks. In 2015 The Fed even made a profit of over $100 billion, paying out $2.3 billion in the banks. The balance it handed over to the Treasury.
4th july rip!
Even though you know its going to happen you still cant believe it when it does happen.
Fear not, the rebel colonies will one day realize their folly and gleefully return sovereignty to the Crown...or maybe not.