The shooting down of the Iranian passenger plane was a rather baffling event. Firstly I must condemn the US business community and traders celebrating the news, the downing of the jet was a cruel and despicable act, celebrating it for profit is so insensitive that it puts the morals of American business community at par with the people that pulled the trigger.
Secondly, it shows the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini has a level of cunningness & cruelty beyond belief. Considering the timing and place of the event, it is likely that the Ayatollah formulated the plan so that he could then blame the USA for the atrocity. The plan has backfired because the US took no retaliative action and therefore it is now plain & clear that the Iranians themselves took the plane down. The only "mistake" here is that Khomeini got confused that Canada and America are one of the same. The other mistake was that the Iranian airport did not shutdown while missiles were flying, perhaps not a mistake at all since the airport is under government control.
176 people died in the Ukrainian plane downing, all innocent pawns in a game Khomeini was playing.