Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

So the dow didnt crash as predicted by some, it just nudged higher again. Looks like End of Days is postponed, thank goodness.
Dow cut through Wednesdays low, mind you how many times have we seen the Dow do a whole weeks range top to bottom on a Friday.
Anything can happen.
Still holding this..... Looks to be struggling to hold 24900... May have a pre weekend selloff

You might well be right...but OTOH, I personally think that the pressure on the Demented One to backtrack on his latest foot-shot must be already at the irresistible I'm expecting Words of ....well, maybe not Wisdom exactly but perhaps something bordering on sanity, at which point the world can grasp at that straw and provide us with the fuel for an unjustified rally...and BTW, I'm not talking my book, having just closed out a CAC long at 5201 +33 and now flat for the w/e.

Have good one! ...w/e, that is 😛
And a happy weekend to you too! 👍

Maybe, I've gone long (only £2pp) on the $djia @24941..... Small bet that "Donald" may use his twitter account to boost markets next week... This Mexican trade threat seems a bit overblown to me.