No, not really not to my liking. I aspire to much more than a dreary 9-5 job.
What really gets me is they won't even look at what I am doing, my charts, etc.
I bring them in say take a look at this! Sell up here, buy back down there. Make more in an hour and half than you make all day. They shrug and go "ok. That's it no interest, no further questioning, nothing. Blank stares 😱
I don't get it....
The only way they will get it, is if you can show what you can buy with all your trading.
Until you show them you bought "that" by doing "this", they wont get it.
😆 It took years for my parents to understand I got paid to work as a programmer. 😆
(these days, I just say I am a financial software developer.)
Just keep trading. You know how good you are. Thats all that counts. 👍
covering & shorting 420...if we get there?
So Trendie, do you make a consistent year in year out GOOD living from trading ?? yes or no, albeit being dressed up as a developer or programmer ? do you make agood living from this using your OWN money, using your own account ?
ps thanks for at least not hiding like errrr well, some others.......sooooooooo predictable btw Postie, Atilla, Dentist...... I could go on.......& I will in time !
You old guard are gonna need to be tighter than a drum !
So Trendie, do you make a consistent year in year out GOOD living from trading ?? yes or no, albeit being dressed up as a developer or programmer ? do you make agood living from this using your OWN money, using your own account ?
ps thanks for at least not hiding like errrr well, some others.......sooooooooo predictable btw Postie, Atilla, Dentist...... I could go on.......& I will in time !
You old guard are gonna need to be tighter than a drum !
I tried full-timing it a few years ago.
I burned out. The psychological and emotional pain was too much.
Every loss was too much to bear. Affected my health, my sleep patterns.
Or may be it was the trading in isolation that burned me out first time round. Perhaps I could have fared better if I was trading in a physical room with others, getting support and banter.
Dont know.
However, these days I have a good blend of "normal" work, and trading.
I swing trade when on a project. (I can afford to place a trade, and leave it for days).
In between contracting, I day-trade. I can manage it, because I have at the back of my mind a "real" job to go to, so losses dont bother me.
(I have a new project starting in mid-Sep.)
I trade my own account, with my OWN money. I make money. I treat it as a hobby.
May one day try full-timing again, but not yet.
Am I consistent? I am nett positive. (my consistency kicked in about 3 years ago)
I may have the occasional losing week or month, but I can deal with it.
Its the mental stuff thats the real challenge.
When I first started out, I was always asking others to prove how good they were.
Proof by calling out trades. (real time, not after the fact! 😆)
Proof by showing accounts.
Proof by showing how much money they were supposedly making.
Dont care any more.
If I see someone post a good trade, I try to understand and appreciate the reasoning behind it. I will LIKE the post if I think they finessed it.
If I see someone boasting too much, some gentle ribbing is in order. These days, I dont bother asking them to prove themselves. They are on a curve themselves, and playing out some psychological issues on the forum.
If there is an apparent scam, let the Mods know, so newbies dont get sucked in.
These days, I am here for the banter and camaraderie.
Not looking to prove anything, nor ask anyone else to prove anything.
Have a lovely weekend.
What's upset you?
Feeling grumpy.
Do tell us.
I'm all ears...
No - but so what?
So what ?
So you have been around the trading arena since day dot & you are not making a living from it ?
Nope, just a hobby. I learnt years ago that I haven’t the balls to do it for a living.
Another thing I found difficult, with a regular job you know before hand you're going home with "x" amount of dollars in a day, a week, a yr.
Trading? I might go home with "-x" amount of dollars at end of day. Or, a lean week (and in back of your mind you ponder "is this going to continue all week? or month? or never ever had an edge to begin with, and you'll bleed out"😱
That plays with your mind to, the uncertainty .
(I'm looking over charts right now, and have been for hrs)
Come on Atilla I've got a BBQ to go to mate !
Answers on a postcard will not cut the mustard my "learn'ed" friend !
Do you make a consistent good living wage or not Pip ?