Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

or, are they sucking in the shorts here knowing another leg up will probably blow them out ..

hate being here, ****ty spot :innocent:

my own fault, lot of **** going on early and i just toke a shot
the bulls are emboldened ...getting them off this will be quite a feat

they don't want give up an inch (or, 2.4 centimeters) 🙂
the bulls just got one there balls cut off..

now the other 😀

be quite the feat to push this well over 200+ here again

they had chance to blow out shorts, an didn't pull it off 😀
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YESTERDAY, 9:56PM <-- Old news
.....and nasdaq shot up nearly 50 (200 Dow points equivalent) immediately after close

YESTERDAY, 10:08PM <-- Old news
Earnings season, if you had a newsfeed you would know that. 😛

TODAY, 9:25AM <-- WTF you wouldn't let it lie. What would Vic Reeves say?
Or you could just listen to morons like yourself

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TODAY, 9:59AM <---- Batsh1t crazy moment when you lost all temporal cognitive functions.
comparing my progress to nursery school isn't an insult? what about carrying on the next day poking me when the conversation was left last night. You might think you are squeaky clean here barjon but you are complicit in the insults and continuing on of the verbal abuse.

Yes your right the conversation was left last night (by us) you however dont know when to stop.


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FXX now proceeds to ignore the facts (wouldn't even dream of apologising for getting it **** about face) and continues on a tangential argument / cryfest.