Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I don't know it for sure, and not sure it can be known other than piecing together circumstantial evidence and watching the price action for a time with suspicion and getting an eerie feeling. You are right though, hard or impossible to determine spoofing from real buying interest.

I don't really know but I suspect because if I was long I'd be worried, and skittish.

"I don't really know but I suspect because if I was long I'd be worried, and skittish ... and wealthier". :whistling
"I don't really know but I suspect because if I was long I'd be worried, and skittish ... and wealthier". :whistling
i can't hold this over weekend, not enough margin. Goes higher from here i'm out, betting on a substantial sell off here.

i am tired, need this weekend😴
Love see the DOW burn off about 60 or 70 here...straight down every long shtting themselves trying to get out.

They way too confident like they got a lock on this.
looks like the bulls will climb this higher without a care in the world. what could happen b/w now and Monday??
Hey pipster, you must know "Wheres Walter" so heres a new one for you.

Where's the dow going to finish tonight!
I've made it easier for you, and I bet you still dont get it right!


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So just in case anyone is taking my posts tonight as serious please dont. I'm just ragging on the pipmeister. This thing could fall 120 points from here.
In the pre-opening of the session, European indices retreated slightly, with investors focused toward company results on both sides of the Atlantic and the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin after the US President met last week with Theresa May, British Prime Minister. Several economic studies indicate that the victory in a major football competition has a positive impact on the GDP (between 0.25% and 0.50%) of the winning country. This economic improvement has a positive effect on the stock market of the winning country, which tends to overperformance against the index of the other country finalist in the three months following the end of the competition. While recognizing that football events have a moderate and time-limited impact on stock markets, this type of study serves to confirm how much the emotions can determine the behavior of investors and economic agents. Thus, the French CAC40 index will be accompanied today in a more particular way.
FTSE is having a bad day, oil is having a bad day, china .. bad day.

Expect the dow to rip higher then. 🙄
The s&p is going down dipping below 2800 but the dow just does not want to give up 25,000.
Un f*cking believable! 4 year olds with guns at school!

These are the people that are running the country!

"Murica, Murica, Murica ..."
Every little dip is being bought, you wait till the sellers get fed up and go away, then the buyers have it all to themselves.

If your worried your over leveraged (as if brewski would be over leveraged :whistling) sell before 8:30 tonight.
I’m in now do or die this will probably be the last trade on the leverage abuse, don’t have long left to accumulate a decent position