Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

when this falls won't be THEM holding the bag, it will US(not ME, i'm on to them!)

THEY are redistributing NOW
3 weeks down..

that sounds about right after 10 yrs up?

i mean come on, for F's sake

after 3 weeks, maybe take it 3 months?

this feels different to me

middle JULY

maybe drop it here, and rally labor day?

ameriCans love labor day

we love to rally one holiday into another
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As any fool with half a brain can see this has been going UP all day.

Surely no one has shorted it?


  • Halfbrain.png
    46.2 KB · Views: 86
I can heartily recommend this, and the Simon & Garfunkel song also. 😆



  • recc.png
    65 KB · Views: 91
we are at nosebleed highs on this thurs, with little else to prove

this is way i look at it, right or wrong

love simon & garfunk!

i do my charts, but i try to do a meta analysis too, try to think 3 moves ahead
wonderful, glory days

its over😴

we just sit about talking about old time 😀

its OVER

i only need to be right ONCE if i'm beting the farm
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Given these moves, theres a 1,900 point up move left on the dow before the end of the year.

The first 600 should come in the next few weeks.
European markets ended up higher, recovering from the losses recorded in the previous session. The media industry was among the best performers after the British government clarified the conditions for the acquisition of Sky's pay-TV platform by Twenty-First Century Fox. The oil sector ended virtually unchanged on a day when the price of oil fell again in international markets. Pharmaceuticals led the gains, with one of the German companies Gerresheimer posting an increase of more than 8% after announcing an extension of its business model and raising its growth forecasts.
Clearly 24880 is the line the dow cannot cross, so I'm long 24890 looking for 25,000 + tomorrow.