With the BOE meeting tomorrow the currency boys will soon be sitting on their hands.
So, you're pretty bullish then?😛
Absolutely, everything is solid as a rock and the markets will climb to infinity. :whistling
Added short 7697 chart to come.
Closed 7670, Still falling.
Its the ftse, you gotta sell it!
Woz average 7695 and have just dumped them both at 7665
Looking forward to doing it again shortly🙂
Still I'm short now at 7681.
Hi postie how's the market been treating ya? 😀
Found a broker that offered $400 intraday margins on e-mini S&P, Dow & Nasdaq for small accounts.
I'll throw a few trades here now & then.
Keep up good work! L8ter.
Dow dancing around like a hanged man; s&p immutable!