Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Europe is holding U.S. indices back, it has been for the last 2 months plain and simple. Not sure how this pattern of ftse going to 7500's and then dropping back will end.
Sources in the GOP are painting trump as a lunatic so I guess the markets were right about the selloff, now that we know he's mentally unstable every rocket launch by the kimmy has washington on edge.
The oil sector closed down after news sources reported that Norway's Statoil said it found an area with more than 130 million barrels of oil in the North Sea. Favoring the German market was the publication, before the opening, of industrial production in the country for August, which increased by 2.60% from the estimated 0.90%.
Serious question... are you now just shorting it out of a need to finally be right?

While I've not been posting I havent shorted at all - that took some doing for me.
Currently I have 3 good technical reasons to be short. 🙂
Something triggered this (just feels like a trigger move), I have no idea but that something just might be through.:innocent:
if BEARS didn't get it done by now, I doubt they can get it down at all.

Sometimes you get the BEAR, and sometimes the bear gets you.
plenty of time for the DOW to drop, and it hasn't dropped yet, actually held up quite well

do you think its dropping HERE 😕