Maximise your pips by selling indices today....
IMO DOW shorts now at 21580s....stop loss 21620.
Even still holding 2 shorts from 21630.
Now 65 points onside but since these were opened had 30+ Dax trades.
Dow will make me die of boredom but the plunge is on the way, or at least 100+ points for me.
Maximise your pips by selling indices today....
IMO DOW shorts now at 21580s....stop loss 21620.
Half closed at 62 for +68 would think it would have dropped a tad faster/more so banking a few here.
Damn, second half off at +150
Do you think they waited on me to give up on the first half? 🙁
Well your +60 so far, good job.
Yup. 😈
I can't count how many of those I've had.
Do I see a reversal? if that was the bottom then all's good, bought heaps and now all in the money.
Selling is not over.
F**king speechless
Welcome to the "I'm keeping my underwater shorts in my back pocket for later" club. 🙂
Idiot! had you seen the previous 3 posts, u would understand... perhaps not, idiots usually don't
$5,102 <T'day Unrealized (asia session)
If the FTSE doesnt make it to 7450 in the next 2 days, shes going down to 7200!