stop blaming everything on "light vol"
the only vol need to worry YOURS
this is my last post
Markets move to where volume is, and guess what happens when there aint none?
You are not a believer yet - naughty boy
Today was not a great start, but no disaster, but going to (over the next few days/weeks) show that you can time turns on these markets to within 6-10 pts Dow, and bit less for Dax.
Now I know we have all been told on these boards (a fact apparently
🙄) that you cant time the market, but we will have to see what can be done. We dont need to be 100% correct, no one is, but we also dont need protection on a naked position.
Just take the hit when wrong, simple.
All this talk of how many pips etc means nada. I too am stuck in a swing trade at the moment, but whats the point really as the size is considerably less than than my short term trades. Basically can make more netting 15/20 a day than 50/60 on a swing. So once I close this swing, thats it. Faster day trades only from then on in.
Lets see if we can all learn something from others, that way we all benefit.