Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

These Americans 'think' very differently from us British.

I do not understand the logic behind sharing your monetary p/l? He probably hasn't got anyone else to share his happiness with I suppose.
DOW has spanked me over twice.

Should have shorted from 21440 on Friday with stop losses 21470s. Would have been less stressful than shorting from 21400s
That must have been one painful trade lol. I saw it shoot up to 540 which I expected when it was at 480 before FTSE open.

Well actually no. I've got some Dax longs which are in the money and that short was a 1 lot scalpy thingy to relieve the boredom. I see the Dax messing around the 500s for a while and then maybe a spike to 700 or so. I'll be repeating the short scalps higher - if she lets me🙂

If anyone's interested, I'm using P&F for levels and direction; Dentist and Moneylender have put up some informative (IMHO) Dax charts over on Dentist's P&F thread that might explain why I think there's some method in my madness
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I still don't get what y'r getting at... obvious that you can lower risk by having a lack of positions... you can also put it another way... you can avoid risk altogether by not trading, is this your point? as for a whale coming along to move the market by -7000pts, you might as well ask what risk management I have in place in the event of a meteorite destroys NY state... again, if I was to base my risk procedures to account for such events, I wouldn't dare to trade at all. Just what is your point?

and what is shf? not familiar with the term outside the ITU designation for radio frequency, you mean HFT?

My standard risk management procedure covers a possible drop of 1,000pt (dow) and starts to progressively kick-in when the drop reaches -600pts, a gap Beyond 1,000pts is highly improbable on markets working 22x5, but if it happens I'll deal with as it happens if it happens. In any event, the hedges in place to bring my account to neutral still get done be it at a different price but still effective to prevent liquidation.

Theres ya 1000pts, less than 5%, it wouldnt take a very big meteorite I reckon.

Is a good idea to ask ourselves "where would I be if my hedges / stops got done got at -1% / -3% / -6% / -30%". If we dont I reckon were kidding ourselves as to the real risks were taking playing this game.