Stop at 390
And I'm now long dax 12,410
for once in a blue moon , you made a decent trade.
And I'm now long dax 12,410
Dax target 480.
But my weakness is to always take +50 when its on offer.
It all adds up mate, especially when you count your -10ticks as profit 👍
Yeah, I mean what lluzer would do that. 😆
The red circle is where I got in.
The Blue is when I decided to get out.
It moved quickly!
Who knew you could make money from breakout trades? 😉
Dax target 480.
But my weakness is to always take +50 when its on offer.
The profitable ftse trader used to use London breakout strategy for fx on ftse , hans breakout ftse version , overnight breakout on ftse dax , the trend breakouts for everyday trading , day trader breakout system and god knows how many others .
He retired in the Bahamas on his Yachts!