Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

you idiots can't find your dicks from 3rd base...

you are a joke, darkie is a joke

none of you have EVER placed one trade here, real time

and for that I:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
surrounded by morons, and people wonder why i am bitter

because i'm surrounded by morons, duh
The improved perception of global investors in relation to Deutsche Bank boosted Asian markets. In Japan, the Tankan report showed that the feeling of Nipponese industrial large remained unchanged in the 3rd quarter of this year.
ya ya ya, blah blah lah place a trade 'global investors' lol.

crawl higher here, imo
Nah wait, that is of course bollox :cheesy:.

I like to think im past the need to post live tards but in the interest of helping out brother pip, heres a little looksy of how this idiot currently approaches the market.

First of all I carefreely look at my chart for any clues it cannot give me.
