Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


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the stock market insiders are up to no good when it comes to ftse closing auction FSTE100 stocks are still trading even the ftse cash has closed, anyone got any views on this?
FTSE100 closing auction taking too long, this is very suspicious, last time it ran over time the next day the government bought in some bans on shorting financials during the HBOS disaster. something big is going to happen tomorrow/tonite

Glad im not the only one thinking this.
Glad im not the only one thinking this.

Reksa notice during the same time dow has rallied 122pts, spooky

the previous time they had suspiciously extended closing auction the next day government bough tin shorting ban on financials
Reksa notice during the same time dow has rallied 122pts, spooky

the previous time they had suspiciously extended closing auction the next day government bough tin shorting ban on financials

You must keep some good notes SD to remember that.

Waiting game now, but do expect some event.
do you expect it to cause upside / downside

this morning i was looking for a technical rebound so dow +80ish, instead it went down 102pts and rallied and is currently up 10pts

they must have picked up a lot of weak bulls one the 102pt down move,

samirs check out GBPUSD broke 3mth low and is plunging
the stock market insiders are up to no good when it comes to ftse closing auction FSTE100 stocks are still trading even the ftse cash has closed, anyone got any views on this?

nope i only do charts it's all double dutch to me🙂

disappointed with the close ..this could lead to long term bear looking at the monthly.. of course a quick reversal would cure all ....but in monthly terms a quick reversal could mean30 days 😴

s&p doesn't paint the same picture for me at the mo.. these are strange markets
just my opinion🙂
nope i only do charts it's all double dutch to me🙂

disappointed with the close ..this could lead to long term bear looking at the monthly.. of course a quick reversal would cure all ....but in monthly terms a quick reversal could mean30 days 😴

s&p doesn't paint the same picture for me at the mo.. these are strange markets
just my opinion🙂

ok, we got to see how they close the Dow tonite.
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Answer: You can unscrew a light bulb!!!

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