Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Today, the session will be dominated by two themes. The first is the evolution of oil. The second theme of the day will be the intervention of several members of the Fed. Although the vast majority of investors have the conviction that the Central Bank will not raise interest rates in September, financial markets continue to look for evidence to support this assumption. For today, are scheduled the interventions of the Governor of the of the Boston Fed, the Dallas Fed Governor and member of the executive committee of the Fed Daniel Tarullo.
Today, the session will be dominated by two themes. The first is the evolution of oil. The second theme of the day will be the intervention of several members of the Fed. Although the vast majority of investors have the conviction that the Central Bank will not raise interest rates in September, financial markets continue to look for evidence to support this assumption. For today, are scheduled the interventions of the Governor of the of the Boston Fed, the Dallas Fed Governor and member of the executive committee of the Fed Daniel Tarullo.

Oil didn't evolve much in millions of years, why do you think today is the day?