Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

The major Asian indexes closed lower, especially the Shangai composite which was losing almost 2.50% at 7:15 am. The only exception was the Nikkei. The Japanese stock market continues to fluctuate according to the rumors about the amount of the tax plan incentive that the Abe government promised. Yesterday, the press pointed to 57000 M.USD this morning circulated news that indicated an amount of 254000 M.USD.
Normal service has been resumed.
i.e. if it moves - buy it, if it doesn't move, buy it till it does!
No BOJ action = market sink tomorrow imho

No BOJ action = The sun wont rise tomorrow.

Its called Abenomics for a reason, after 10 years stimulus is not working - we need moar, after 20 years stimulus is not working - we need moar, after 30 y... 🙄
If they were truely OTM [and hence cheap] one thing I have learnt is to write off the premium in its entirety immediately and just keep the bast**ds until expiry, you only need a mini-black swan to get to b/e or even profit and you have a month to run... a lot can happen in a month!

Couldn't resist another reload of these mate - back in. lol Dax just gave me every reason (technically speaking) to short today lol

9800 August Puts - Buy.
Added a position at 10309 too.