It does seem that some people are willing to buy any old sh1t at any price.
If you cant beat them ... 🙂
It wasnt piphoe that told you this number was it. :-0
Long FTSE @ 6683
Half off +10, stop to +1 on remainder 🙂
Didnt break 2170 cash - yet.
If it doesnt in the next hour the top is in!!!!
Why markets are partying while the world burns.
"It's not that investors aren't worried about the global and American implications of Britain unfriending the EU; the initial stock plunge, plus the continued weakness of the pound on global currency exchanges, show they're quite worried indeed.
Instead, that worry has been slowly counterbalanced by optimism for how policymakers will respond to the vote."
"Other government bodies are also raising hopes of new stimulus on the way. Japan's prime minister has ordered a new round of fiscal stimulus in his country, whose currency is also tumbling in exchanges. There's talk that the Bank of Canada may put monetary easing on the table at its next meetings."
Basically this story says people keep buying stocks because they know the Governments will always step in to prop up the markets!
Our policies haven't worked for 7 years (for Japan read 17 years) so were going to carry on doing the same thing!
That is the very definition of madness.
short dow 18,519 I'm gettin 300 points out of this!
ive been out of it gang-so i take it 2 days down on brexit and then zooooommmm>>>>>???????