Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

We start European time and got pips in the bag whilst your probably still asleep 😛🙂🙂

ya,😴 you guys have the best time zone to trade!:innocent:

i keep forgetting it's like 5 pm over the pond :cheesy:
Out at 705 for +55. Need to work on my nerves.

Dont know what happens now. Gut feel a bit of a retrace then 'The moon' but I wont be trading it.
Have a great weekend all, glad to see you back.

Same to you - was tempted to short FTSE @6143 (after market) - but it has been a good week overall and crazy stuff sometimes happens on Fri - so stayed flat.

Piphoe - you can keep the candle burning! Good luck.

submarine trading..

fire one...........>

fire two..............>

fire three.........................>

right smack dab in the middle ...welcome to the noise.

my only hope...bias upward🙄

i'm willing to add long lower again though if need be..

it's all about your basis

definitely don't want to take any serious position into the weekend though
add long here 590

i keep adding here because they don't have balls to take this down really

we got 3 hrs till close 🙂